The business has the following products/services available
Food and Drink
Our business caters for the following disability types:
Blind or low vision
Deaf or low hearing
Limited mobility
Wheelchairs or mobility scooters
Food allergies or intolerances
Cognitive or people on the Autism Spectrum
The business offers the following methods for bookings and enquiries:
Our forms have high contract boxes and submit boxes
Exit signs are clear and easy to see
Exit access is free and clear at all times
We ensure exit access is free and clear at all times by: We ensure all doorways are always kept clear.
Exits and access to exists are greater than 900mm
Exit doors are able to be opened by all occupants
Exits to the emergency evacuation point does not include stairways
The evacuation point is clearly marked by a sign
The business identifies guests who need additional assistance should an emergency occur by: At time of booking guests can advise if persons in their group has a disability or requires assistance.
The procedure for assisting guests who need assisted rescue is: When assisting any person with a disability to leave the building, or to the nearest fire safe area 1. Ask what assistance the person requires (such as clearing the path before them, walking alongside or behind). Try to avoid offering advice or pre-empting what the person needs. 2. Reassure the person by talking calmly to them. Tell them that you will stay with them and communicate clearly. 4. Assist the person quickly and calmly to the designated assembly area for our building or as advised by a Warden or Fire and Emergency Services person.
Guests with disabilities are noted in the guest log book for emergency and evacuation purposes
Our business offers the following alternative communication methods
Plain English
There is easy to read signage and information (e.g. menus and emergency information)
For bookings made onsite, the ticket booth/counter/box office is accessible for people using a wheelchair
The business provides a secure area with shade and water for service animals
The business provides a toilet area for service animals
The business provides the following services for services animals: Outdoor facilities available. All service animals are accepted
The business has the following in place to support guests during pre-arrival, arrival and reception
Booking information and websites are compatible with screen readers
There is a reception/public entryway.
Seating available at reception
A tablet with text to voice or pen and paper at reception to aid in communication
Lighting in the reception area is even and glare free
Large print information sheets and registration forms
Information and maps are available in written form
A familiarisation tour
Additional Information from the business
The following steps are in place to ensure that people with fatigue related to their disability are not disadvantaged by long wait times: Seating is available for those waiting. However long wait times are a rare occurrence.
In addition, the following further information can assist guests:
Documents are available in plain English for people with cognitive impairment (This may include instructions, guides, menus and general information)
The business has the following Car Park and Access amenities
A drop off zone
Designated disabled parking bays
Level or ramped access from the car park to the entrance
The accessible entrance is clearly signed from the parking bay
Kerb ramps are in place where a pavement or walkway needs to be crossed
In addition, the following further information can assist guests:
Fully level car park.
The business has the following amenities/systems in place for entry
A drop off point close to the entrance
A path of access to the building is slip resistance and even
A path of access to the building is clear of obstruction
Door jams/doors are of a contrasting colour to surrounding walls
Door handles are of a contrasting colour to the door
Signage is written in a contrasting colour
Signage is written in a Sans Serif font and use upper and lower case letters
The entry door is a minimum of 850mm wide
The entry door has self opening or a light opening pressure (for manual operations)
The entrance sill is less than 13mm
There a clear space of at least 1500mm x 1500mm in front of all doors.
The entrance door mats have a thickness less than 13mm and a width of 7500mm or greater
In addition, the following further information can assist guests:
In addition, the following further information can assist guests:
Single storey building
Clear and unobstructed routes through and between buildings
Interior walls are matte or low sheen
Floors, walls, counters and furniture are of contrasting colours
Any protruding or overhanging obstructions are at least 2meters above the floor or are protected
Tableware/glassware contrast with the table surface or table cloth
Seating is available for guests unable to stand for long periods
Accessible facilities are clearly signed and visible from all areas
All corridors greater than 900mm
In addition, the following further information can assist guests:
Our space can be very noisy at times, particularly between the hours of 11am - 4pm on Weekends. Our space is very quiet Monday to Friday
The public areas have the following amenities in place
Even lighting
In addition, the following further information can assist guests:
External paths of travel have the following amenities are in place
Surfaces are concrete, asphalt, smooth paving or hard packed fine gravel (max aggregate size 13mm)
Pathways are wider than 900mm
There 3 successive steps or less on any path or at any doorway
There are no internal or external steps at our building
In addition, the following further information can assist guests:
Steps have the following amenities are in place
In addition, the following further information can assist guests:
Public Toilets/Adult change facilities have the following amenities are in place
There is an accessible toilet for public use
The door is at least 850mm wide
There is a minimum of 850mm beside the toilet
Handrails are fitted
The toilet seat is 460mm above the floor
There is 1554mm mm of clear space in front of the toilet
The toilet seat of a contrasting colour to the floor
The toilet seat is460mm above the floor
There is a 'Changing Place' within 1400mm of our business
In addition, the following further information can assist guests:
The dining spaces have the following facilities/amenities in place
The entrance has level access
The doorway is at least 850mm wide
There is level access through the dining area
Chairs are moveable to allow for wheelchairs to be seated at the tables
All glass doors and full height windows have contrast markings
There are areas of full lighting
There is an accessible toilet
Our business caters for the following dietary requirements
Sugar free (diabetic)
Gluten free (celiac)
Lactose free (dairy free)
Low fat and fibre with no gastric content
Low potassium
Low sodium
Nut free
Additive free
There are procedures in place to avoid cross-contamination of food products
We Do not provide any food for consumption as we do not have a kitchen. We do produce and sell gin which is fully gluten free, Nut Free, Sugar free and Vegan. We also provide a selection of Mixers which are suitable for a range of allergies and dietary requirements. Spirits are a low risk product
In addition, the following further information can assist guests:
We are a distillery producing low risk, high quality spirits, gin & liqueurs.