The business has the following products/services available
Our business caters for the following disability types:
Blind or low vision
Deaf or low hearing
Limited mobility
Cognitive or people on the Autism Spectrum
The business offers the following methods for bookings and enquiries:
Our forms have high contract boxes and submit boxes
Staff have undergone disability awareness and training
The business has an emergency management and evacuation plan for guests with a disability
Guests with disabilities are noted in the guest log book for emergency and evacuation purposes
For bookings made onsite, the ticket booth/counter/box office is accessible for people using a wheelchair
The business provides the following services for services animals: We deeply admire and respect the vital role that guide dogs and other service animals play in the lives of their handlers. However, due to specific reasons, such as resort policies, safety concerns, and our unique environment, we regret that we are unable to accommodate them at our property
The business has the following in place to support guests during pre-arrival, arrival and reception
There is a reception/public entryway.
Seating available at reception
Lighting in the reception area is even and glare free
Large print information sheets and registration forms
Information and maps are available in written form
A familiarisation tour
Keys are available for each guest
Luggage assistance
Additional Information from the business
The following steps are in place to ensure that people with fatigue related to their disability are not disadvantaged by long wait times: The Billi reception team will notify each guest via text as soon as their room is ready. This ensures a seamless check-in experience by allowing arrivals to be comfortably staggered throughout the day within the guaranteed check-in period.
In addition, the following further information can assist guests
Documents are available in plain English for people with cognitive impairment (This may include instructions, guides, menus and general information)
The business has the following Car Park and Access amenities
A drop off zone
Level or ramped access from the car park to the entrance
The accessible entrance is clearly signed from the parking bay
The public transport services available are:
Transportation options are detailed in our confirmation letters. Additionally, we are happy to provide directions to the nearest bus stop upon request.
In addition, the following further information can assist guests
External paths of travel have the following amenities are in place
Surfaces are concrete, asphalt, smooth paving or hard packed fine gravel (max aggregate size 13mm)
Pathways are wider than 900mm
In addition, the following further information can assist guests
Steps have the following amenities are in place
There are steps.
All steps or staircases have enclosed risers
Where steps are present are there three steps or less
In addition, the following further information can assist guests
Ramps have the following amenities are in place
There are ramps.
In addition, the following further information can assist guests
In addition, the following further information can assist guests
Visual alarm is fitted to the room
Televisions are equipped with closed captioning capability
There is contrast between the walls, skirtings, floor and furniture
The edges of all furniture and fixtures are rounded
Housekeeping procedures instruct staff not to reposition furniture that has been moved
Doors open fully against the adjoining wall
Openings are a minimum of 820mm wide
There luggage racks for at least two suitcases
There at least one chair with rigid arms
The bedside lamp switch is easy to reach from the bed
There is at least 850mm clear space beside the bed
Non-allergenic cleaning products are used
In addition, the following further information can assist guests
The bathrooms have the following facilities/amenities in place
All heating appliances and hot water pipes are protected or insulated
All shower, bath and basin taps are clearly differentiated between hot and cold
Fixtures and fittings have rounded edges
The hot water is thermostatically controlled to 41 degrees
The width of the door is 720mm.
The width beside the toilet is N/A.
There is 820mm mm of clear space in front of the toilet
The toilet seat is a contrasting colour to the floor
The toilet seat is 460mm above the floor
A range of non-allergenic toiletries are available
There is a portable shower head on flexible hose
m4qi0lrvAccessibility Photos Bathroom 1
m4qi0ls0Accessibility Photos Bathroom 2
m4qi0ls5Accessibility Photos Bathroom 3
m4qi0lsbAccessibility Photos Bathroom
In addition, the following further information can assist guests
Level access is provided to play spaces
The surface of the play space is of a composite or rubberized material
Seating is provided in or around the play space
m4qi1thuAccessibility Photos Play Area
m4qi1thzAccessibility Photos Seating 1
m4qi1ti4Accessibility Photos Seating
In addition, the following further information can assist guests
The following swimming pools, spas and waterparks amenities are available
Unisex change facilities with an accessible toilet
The park map includes a step free route
m4qi9mi2Accessibility Photos Pool Entry
m4qi9miaAccessibility Photos Shower & Change Area
m4qi9mifAccessibility Photos Unisex Shower Area
m4qicqtvAccessibility Photos Carpark 1
m4qicqu7Accessibility Photos Carpark Ramp
m4qicqujAccessibility Photos Carpark
m4qicqutAccessibility Photos Reception
m4qicqv2Accessibility Photos Unisex Toilet
In addition, the following further information can assist guests