The business has the following products/services available
Our business caters for the following disability types:
Limited mobility
Wheelchairs or mobility scooters
Cognitive or people on the Autism Spectrum
The business offers the following methods for bookings and enquiries:
Staff have undergone disability awareness and training
Visitors are unable to enter the Melbourne Visitor Booth as the service is over the counter.
Our website meets WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards
Our business offers the following alternative communication methods
Plain English
Not specified
There is easy to read signage and information (e.g. menus and emergency information)
There are Picture boards
The business provides the following services for services animals: The Melbourne Visitor Booth is an over the counter service but there is space near the counter for a service animal to stay in the shade and away from the rain.
The business has the following in place to support guests during pre-arrival, arrival and reception
Booking information and websites are compatible with screen readers
Information and maps are available in written form
Additional Information from the business
The following steps are in place to ensure that people with fatigue related to their disability are not disadvantaged by long wait times: At the Melbourne Visitor Booth at a time we have either 2-3 staff and volunteers behind the counter so we have extra people there to assist visitors and prevent long queues.
The business has the following Car Park and Access amenities
The public transport services available are:
The staff and volunteers at the Melbourne Visitor Booth are trained to provide visitors with information on how to accessibly go to the closest public transport stop (train, tram and bus).
Kerb ramps are in place where a pavement or walkway needs to be crossed
In addition, the following further information can assist guests
The Melbourne Visitor Booth is the middle of the Bourke St Mall so doesn't offer car parking facilities to visitors.
The business has the following amenities/systems in place for entry
A path of access to the building is slip resistance and even
A path of access to the building is clear of obstruction
Signage is written in a contrasting colour
The entrance sill is less than 13mm
In addition, the following further information can assist guests
The Melbourne Visitor Booth is in the middle of the Bourke St Mall so surrounding the Booth public domain, so no entrance door mats are permitted.
In addition, the following further information can assist guests
The Melbourne Visitor Booth is single storey and doesn't require a lift to access the building for staff and volunteers.
Clear and unobstructed routes through and between buildings
Interior walls are matte or low sheen
Floors, walls, counters and furniture are of contrasting colours
Floor surfaces are hard or short pile carpet
Accessible facilities are clearly signed and visible from all areas
The width of the smallest corridor is: The Melbourne Visitor Booth is in the middle of the Bourke St Mall and visitors can't enter the building as it is an over the counter service so there aren't any corridors.
The public areas have the following amenities in place
Even lighting
In addition, the following further information can assist guests
The Melbourne Visitor Booth is in the middle of the Bourke St Mall so surrounding the Booth is public seating. The Booth has an natural light from a clear glass awning and internal lighting of the Booth to make it well-lit for visitors.
External paths of travel have the following amenities are in place
Surfaces are concrete, asphalt, smooth paving or hard packed fine gravel (max aggregate size 13mm)
Pathways are wider than 900mm
The Melbourne Visitor Booth is in the middle of the Bourke St Mall so surrounding the Booth is flat, even footpaths with no steps.
The Melbourne Visitor Booth is in the middle of the Bourke St Mall so surrounding the Booth is flat, even footpaths with no steps. The footpaths surrounding the Booth are part of the Bourke St Mall footpaths and they don't have steps.
Steps have the following amenities are in place
In addition, the following further information can assist guests
The Melbourne Visitor Booth is an over-the-counter service so no member of the public is able to enter the building. However, for staff and volunteers to enter the Booth there is a small ramp to enter the doorway.
Public Toilets/Adult change facilities have the following amenities are in place
In addition, the following further information can assist guests
The Melbourne Visitor Booth is in the middle of the Bourke St Mall, so no public toilet facilities are available as visitors are unable to enter the booth as it is an over-the-counter service.